Developing green competencies has become and will be in the foreseeable future the key to maintaining added value in sustainable economy EU thrives to create. It has become clear that VET and businesses alike must adapt to the uncertainties the future brings and simultaneously contribute to sustainable society.
The aim is to enhance participation, diversity, and environmental awareness in vocational education to increase active European citizenship, inclusivity and climate friendly lifestyles all year long.
The MICRO QUEST Network is a free online platform on which education providers can showcase their micro-credential offers and exchange new insights as well as opinions.
The VRinHE project aims to build the capacities of Higher Education institutions and their staff, to integrate Virtual and Augmented Reality in teaching and learning.
This project, co-funded by the European Union, prepares European citizens to deal actively with relevant aspects of the global environmental crisis that the planet is facing.
Beyond NEET(D)s ist ein Projekt, das sich an Personen richtet, die sich nicht in Ausbildung, Beschäftigung oder Training befinden (“NEETs”) oder die unter diesem Status liegen,
Work-Based Learning (WBL) is an essential part of Vocational Education and Training (VET) all over Europe, especially in the initial training circle (iVET). When young people enhance their theoretical know-how by working in a real life environment through a placement in a company or even a long-term apprenticeship, they gain valuable insights in their profession. [...]
Für Frau Mag. Livia Friedl steht die achtsame Begegnung zwischen PraktikerIn und KlientIn sowie ein ganzheitlicher Blick auf individuelle Anliegen und Bedürfnisse im Mittelpunkt der Shiatsu-Behandlung.